institute for learningin retirement |
Many of our speakers are professional teachers from local universities or secondary schools. Others are retired military personnel, diplomats or other experts in fields such as the arts, religion, health, history, or other topics of interest. Browsing the current class and program schedule reveals the breadth of programs we present to our members.
The Curriculum Committee schedules classes 4 to 5 months in advance of the published presentation date. ILR offers classes on Monday through Thursday. Classes are two hours in duration (10:00 to 12:00 or 1:00 to 3:00) with a break in the middle. Most classes are offered in single session format, but a few have been offered in a two session format with meetings a week apart.
We welcome new presenters and exciting new programs. If you are interested in giving a presentation to the ILR members, contact the office. A member of the Curriculum Committee will contact you to discuss your idea and explain the available presentation technology in the classroom or lecture hall. As a prospective speaker, you will be asked to submit a brief description of the class and a short biography relevant to the program that you are presenting.
If you are invited to present to the ILR, your class description and your biography will be published in our class schedule, which we mail to our members and post on the web site. On the day of your class, you will meet with your Curriculum Committee contact who acts as class host and will assist you with the audio-visual system.