institute  for  learning

in  retirement

Join or renew your membership before you register!  



ZOOM directions for specific devices can be found on the ILR HOME page or the Current Forms & Flyers tab.

Class Registration Policies

Wait List


Class Cancellation Policies

Class Registration Policies

See drop-down menus to register either online  or by mail.

Members register for classes using the registration form sent out quarterly or printed from this website.  No registrations are taken over the phone. 

In addition, online registration is available and encouraged.  The date that Online registration begins will be posted on the website.  Generally, it will open the first of each registration month: June, Sept, Dec and March. Registration remains open through the end of each quarter.

The registration form requires the following tasks:

  • Indicate the classes you will attend.
  • Calculate the total cost of the chosen programs.
  • Return the form and check for the amount of the selected programs or use online registration services.

Wait List

A wait list is maintained for all classes and social/travel events when the registrations exceed the program's capacity.  The waiting list is based on the principle of “first listed, first served.”


Make sure your forms are complete and accurate when submitted.  Incomplete forms will delay your reservations for classes and events.  The staff processes completed registration forms in the order received. 


Members always have priority to attend our functions.  Guests are welcome if space is available.  Call the office to check. The applicable class or activity fee must be paid for the guest; only the membership fee is waived. A member may bring an unlimited numbers of guests throughout the year, but an individual guest may only attend one ILR event.

Class Cancellation Policies


If a member cancels a class at least 4 working days in advance, he or she will receive a refund check, minus a $2 administrative fee. The fee will be waived if the member chooses to transfer payment to another class or hold as an account credit.
If a member cancels a trip or social event, the cancellation will be processed as described in the event cancellation policy stated on the trip disclosure form or social event flyer.


If ILR cancels a class, the registered members will receive a full refund check.
If ILR cancels a trip or social event, the process will follow the cancellation policy as stated on the trip disclosure form or social event flyer.

Hours:  Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (contact office for additional availabilities)

Email:  Office@ILRVB.ORG

Phone: 757-756-4861

Copyright 2023
Institute for Learning in Retirement is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization. 

Institute for Learning in Retirement
TCC-Virginia Beach Campus
Princess Anne Bldg. A-103
1700 College Crescent
Virginia Beach, VA 23453

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