institute  for  learning

in  retirement

2025 Winter Schedule

ZOOM directions for specific devices can be found on the ILR HOME page or the Current Forms & Flyers tab.

Directions at a Glance

Access Your Account

Register Online

Cancel a Registration

Directions at a Glance


           1.    You may want to print the 2025 Winter Registration Form to plan. 

2.    If you know your username and password, begin registration here.   Since all members already have an account, ignore the green box with "New User? Create an Account now." 

3.    You have 60 minutes to complete registration.

4.    Use only MasterCard or Visa for payments.

5.    Registration is complete after you review, pay, and check out.

6.    A confirmation Email will indicate charges to your credit card.

7.    If you register for a trip or event that requires extra forms, please download and mail to the office the relevant forms.

        If Mac users have trouble registering for classes or renewing membership, these directions may prove helpful.  Click here.

Detailed Registration Directions

All members have an online registration account.  If you do not know or remember your username or password, follow directions below to access your account.

Find Username  and/or  password

  • 1.    For the “Recover Your Username or Password” page, click here.

    2.    Enter the email address that the office has on file and click Submit.

    3.    The registration system will send you an Email with a link to a page where you will find your assigned username and set up a password. You may change your assigned username if you wish, but you must establish a password.  Enter a new password twice to confirm.  Make a note of both your username and your password to use in registration.

    4.    When you click Submit to finish the process, the program sends you to the Registration page to sign up for classes.  If you prefer to register at another time, just close by logging out.  Click your name in the upper right corner and then the log out button.  

    5.  Knowing your name and password enables you to register anytime.  Just hover over the blue Registration tab near the top of the website.  Click Register Online and proceed.


1. You may want to print the 2025 Winter Registration Form to plan.

2. Members who know the username and password of their online registration account may begin the process here-- login page.  Ignore the green box with "New User? Create an Account now."

3.  You will have 60 minutes to complete registration.  As you navigate the program, extra search help blocks may pop up.

4.    After logging in, locate Search Options.  Select the desired quarter.
5.  The current classes and events are now accessible to you.  To register for a class, click its Register button. Next select the household members to attend. When your selections are complete, click the Register button on this page.

6.  This Register button will add the class to your summary of choices and give you the option of continuing to select more classes or checking out and paying. When you have made all of your selections, proceed to Checkout.

7.    The Checkout page shows your selections and the total owed. You can remove items by clicking the “X” at the start of the item line.  If satisfied with selections, click the box under "Terms of Use" to show you have read and agreed with policies and procedures.  Click Continue.  

8.  The Continue button takes you to the payment page where you pay by Master Card or Visa only

9. Online registration is complete once you have received an emailed confirmation regarding the charge to your credit card.  

10.  If you registered for a trip or event that requires extra forms, please download and mail them to the office.  See the Register By Mail tab for details.


If a member cancels a class at least 4 working days in advance, he or she will receive a refund check, minus a $2 administrative fee. The fee will be waived if the member chooses to transfer payment to another class or hold as an account credit.
If a member cancels a trip or social event, the cancellation will be processed as described in the event cancellation policy stated on the trip disclosure form or social event flyer.

If ILR cancels a class, the registered members will receive a full refund check.
If ILR cancels a trip or social event, the process will follow the cancellation policy as stated on the trip disclosure form or social event flyer.

Hours:  Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (contact office for additional availabilities)

Email:  Office@ILRVB.ORG

Phone: 757-756-4861

Copyright 2023
Institute for Learning in Retirement is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization. 

Institute for Learning in Retirement
TCC-Virginia Beach Campus
Princess Anne Bldg. A-103
1700 College Crescent
Virginia Beach, VA 23453

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